Download FRED data using the Python fredapi

The Federal Reserve Economic Data archive is a great place to find financial data. You can visit the FRED web site to search for a data series or use the Python fredapi to download data programmatically. Below is an example of the fredapi functionality and usage.

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
from fredapi import Fred
import datetime as dt
# set up Fred key else queries do not work
fred = Fred(api_key='yourkeygoeshere')
In [2]:
# Search for the ticker by description
ticker_description = 'Civilian Unemployment Rate'
ticker_info =

if ticker_info is None:
    print("Did not find ticker by searching the text '{0}'. Pleave revise your search.".format(ticker_description))
    ticker_id = ticker_info['id'].values[0]
    ticker_start = ticker_info['observation_start'].values[0]
    ticker_end = ticker_info['observation_end'].values[0]
    print("Ticker id = {0}, start_date = {1}, end_date = {2}".format(ticker_id, ticker_start, ticker_end))
        # query the ticker information from FRED using start and end dates
        s = fred.get_series(ticker_id, observation_start=ticker_start, observation_end=ticker_end)
        # Save daily close file since inception
        # Save quarterly file. Use 'QS' frequency for beginning of month data
        pd.Series(s, pd.date_range('2013-01-05',, freq='QS')).to_csv("output/"+ticker_id+"_quarterly.csv")
        print("Problem downloading '{0}' series".format(ticker_id))
Ticker id = UNRATE, start_date = 1948-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z, end_date = 2017-10-31T17:00:00.000000000-0700
2017-07-01    4.3
2017-08-01    4.4
2017-09-01    4.2
2017-10-01    4.1
2017-11-01    4.1
dtype: float64
In [3]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline

s.plot(figsize=(10,5), grid=True, title='{0}% ({1})'.format(ticker_description, ticker_id))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1092dfe48>