Home Comp Sci Machine Learning Math/Finance Python Notes 3D Printing

I’ve been 3D printing for a while now but in the past I had been using the printer available at the local library. The turn around time was not bad at all actually… A few months back I decided to purchase the Tevo Tornado and so far I am very happy with it. Here is a picture of the printer in my shop inside the enclosure that I built for it. Tried to keep it as airtight as possible. Just to be clear though, I’m not printing knick knacks with this printer. I print what I need and no more.

Tevo Tornado

I’ve printed a few toys with this printer and lately lots of tools such as pocket hole jig, dremel accessory for sharpening drill bits, dremel table top holder, copper couplers, etc. I even printed a tennis racket dampener using the flexible filament PLA material. So far it is holding up. So far here are the updates that I’ve made to the printer:

2021 Update

The borosilicate glass gave me mixed results although that assessment comes before adding adding a BLTouch. Anyway, I removed the glass and opted for one of those flexible removable magnetic thingies. Add to that a BLTouch, Octopi and the Bed Level Visualizer plugin and the prints are very consitent. I couldn’t stop there. Since I already had Octopi running, I added a camera as well as LED lights to the whole setup. Below is a photo of its current state.

Tevo Tornado ao 2021